
About CMHA Rosetown
CMHA Rosetown is the newest branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association located in Saskatchewan. We provide education, advocacy, and support groups to everyone in our community in West Central Saskatchewan.
About CMHA Saskatchewan
CMHA SK is a volunteer-based organization which supports and promotes the rights of persons with mental illness to maximize their full potential; and promotes and enhances the mental health and well-being of all members of the community.
The Canadian Mental Health Association, Saskatchewan Division – CMHA SK – is one of the oldest and largest community-based human services organizations in Saskatchewan. We are proud to be part of CMHA National, connecting us with branches all across Canada.
Our purpose is to:
- fight to reduce the stigma of mental illness through public education
- provide educational opportunities to help the public understand mental health issues
- provide services to schools, communities and individuals promoting Mental Health for everyone
- advocate for consumers of mental health services
CMHA Branches offer social and vocational programs to people with mental illness, unlocking the door to a better quality of life. We depend on volunteers to provide leadership and guidance in all areas of the association.
2018 Strategic Plan: Reflecting Back, Moving Forward
2018 Reflecting Back, Moving Forward: A strategic Plan for CMHA Saskatchewan Division
Passed by the Board of Directors January 12th, 2019.
Mission Statement
The Canadian Mental Health Association (Saskatchewan Division) Inc. is a volunteer-based organization which supports and promotes the rights of persons with mental illness to maximize their full potential; and promotes and enhances the mental health and well-being of all members of the community.