CMHA Rosetown Programs and Services
Oct 4, 2019
Post-Partum Support Group

According to Statistics Canada, as much as 23 percent of new mothers report feelings consistent with postpartum depression or an anxiety disorder. Join us to meet other moms and learn about coping with the complex feelings associated with being a new parent. We focus on support and self-care. For more information, email [email protected]
Parent Support Group

Parenting children who need additional mental health supports is an exhausting task. Sometimes parents need to know that they are not alone. Meet once a month with others who share lived experience to discuss challenging behaviours and parenting successes. When available, we have presentations from knowledgeable professionals who can help. For more information, email [email protected]
Caregiver Support Group (in conjunction with Alzheimer Society)

A diagnosis of Dementia can be an overwhelming and isolating experience for patients, caregivers and families. We are here to help. To register, please email [email protected] .